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Curated Definition Type

Definitions are used to group the same types of skills together where each skill will have the same type of information (dates, ratings, etc.) associated with each item that is recorded. One or more Definitions are grouped together in the broader collection that is a Category (see Configuring Categories).

The Definition Type determines how or from where the skills data is to be sourced and what options are available to users and administrators to maintain their own, or other peoples', skills.

Curated Definition Type

The Curated Definition Type should be used where the users themselves are not permitted to maintain the skills that reside within the definition.

The Curated Definition Type provides enhanced control over how data within the definition can be edited. Only users with elevated permissions can edit content in a curated definition, even if that definition is on their own profile.

Curated Definition

TeamFolio screenshot - definitions admin grid

  1. Normal 'User' definition with edit controls to manage all fields or in-page editing for individual fields;
  2. Unless you have specific permissions, a curated definition will not have any edit controls displayed for regular users.

Example Curated Definition

The following example shows the IT Certifications definition which has its state set to Curated.

Behaviour for Regular User

Without any administrative permissions, a curated definition will effectively be displayed as a read only definition on a profile page. This will be the case for the logged in user viewing their own or someone else's profile page.

Curated Definition for User Without Elevated Permissions

TeamFolio curated definition - regular user profile page screenshot

  1. In this example, the logged in user is Lars Blomqvist and he has no elevated, administrative permissions;
  2. Lars is viewing his own profile, which includes the 'IT Certifications' curated definition;
  3. Lars can see the definition but is unable to edit fields for this definition, even on his own profile;
  4. Lars can also see an evidence document that has been added by an administrator for the 'Project Management Professional Certification' entry;
  5. Lars can mange 'User' state definitions on his own profile in the normal way.

Behaviour for User With Elevated Permissions

If the logged in user has elevated, administrative permissions, a curated definition will be displayed with editorial control icons on a profile page. This will be the case for the logged in user viewing their own or someone else's profile page.

Behaviour for User with Elevated Permissions

TeamFolio curated definition - admin user profile page screenshot

  1. In this example, the logged in user is Joni Persaud and she has administrative privileges in this TeamFolio system;
  2. Joni is viewing Lars Blomqvist's profile, which includes the 'IT Certifications' curated definition;
  3. Joni can see the definition and is able to edit fields for this definition on anyone's profile;
  4. Joni can also see and edit evidence documents for any certification in the definition. In this case it is for the 'Project Management Professional Certification' entry.