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Installation Overview

TeamFolio is currently a web based MVC application, originally developed as a provider hosted add-in for Microsoft’s SharePoint collaboration platform.

In SharePoint, a SharePoint Add-in is an identity principal just like a user, and it must be authenticated and authorised to use SharePoint resources. TeamFolio can be deployed using low trust. Deployment Options In conjunction with the authorisation models, there are also currently two deployment options for DiscoverMe. The key differences between these as they relate to TeamFolio are outlined below.

Links to more detailed TeamFolio articles describing each of these installation options are included below. You can also find out more by referring to Microsoft’s article on Authorization and authentication of SharePoint Add-ins.

Low-trust SharePoint Add-in

A low trust application in a SharePoint context is an add-in that is installed to the Customer’s SharePoint environment and configured to use the customer’s Office 365 tenancy to establish trust with Azure ACS.

This is the type of deployment that would be used for a hybrid on premises and (SharePoint) Online environment, or the much more common deployment to a Customer’s Microsoft Office 365 and Azure environment.

See the Low Trust Overview article for more information on this type of deployment.

TeamFolio Online

TeamFolio Online is provided for Customers who do not have or do not want to manage their own Azure environment. TeamFolio Online still integrates securely with your Office 365 environment and is deployed in a low trust configuration.

The difference here is that the TeamFolio Customer databases are created in an Azure environment managed by FidraSoft, instead of being the Customer’s Azure environment. The TeamFolio application itself is also hosted in a FidraSoft managed Azure App Service environment.

More information on this type of deployment will be covered in a TeamFolio Online article. This article will allow you to determine if this deployment model is appropriate for your organisation.