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Default Admin Group

There are two ways an account can be granted administrator privileges in TeamFolio.

The Administrators Authorisation Group is automatically created when TeamFolio is first installed and is classified as a System Group in TeamFolio. It is currently the only system group. A system group is protected from deletion or any changes to privileges.

In TeamFolio Online, the user account of the person installing TeamFolio is automatically added this group. For other deployment types, there are additional settings provided for system administrators, as described below.

Dedicated tenant & on-premises

When TeamFolio is deployed to an organisation’s dedicated Office 365 tenant, or deployed to on-premises IT infrastructure, the account of the logged in user who installs TeamFolio will have their account identity, i.e. their email address, automatically added as a TeamFolio administrator.

This account is automatically added to the appsettings.config file by the installation process. This file exists in the TeamFolio website file system. This account will not be displayed as a member of the Administrator’s Authorisation Group in the TeamFolio user interface. The reason for this is to ensure that no person can delete this system administrator account from within TeamFolio, avoiding an admin inadvertently locking themselves out of TeamFolio.

Additional back-up system administrator accounts can be added manually via the Azure Portal or directly in the appsettings.config file. It is best practice to add these via the Azure Portal.

These user account IDs (usually their email address) are added as a semi-colon separated list of values against the appropriate key, i.e. dm:administrators.

TeamFolio Online


At the time of writing, the TeamFolio app registration on Microsoft’s AppSource or SharePoint Store is still branded 'DiscoverMe'. This will be updated by Microsoft soon.

When an organisation deploys TeamFolio Online from the Microsoft’s AppSource or SharePoint Store, the hosted TeamFolio application already exists. This ‘Software as a Service’, or SaaS application provides the web pages for all organisations using TeamFolio Online. As this is a shared web application service, the person who accepts the License Agreement in TeamFolio will be the person who’s account is added to the default Administrators Authorisation Group. This value is stored in the organisations dedicated, secured TeamFolio Azure database.

For more information about the installation options, have a look at the Installation Overview article and other content referenced there.