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Group Permissions

The following permissions are configurable for each Authorisation Group with the exception of the inbuilt Administrator's system group. Most of the settings provide the ability their name suggests but you can use the table below for any clarification:

SettingPermissions GrantedRelated Articles
Category EditorEnables users to create, update and delete* Categories.Configuring Categories
Definition EditorEnables users to create, update and delete* Definitions.Configuring Definitions
Field EditorEnables users to create, update and delete* Fields. When used in conjunction with the Administrators Manage User Fields Enabled app preference setting, users with this permission will be able to edit fields on another person's profileArticle on Application Preferences coming soon.
Template Category EditorEnables users to create, update and delete Template Categories.Article coming soon.
Template EditorEnables users to create, update and delete Templates. This includes the ability to manage high level information about the Template, like its name and description, as well as being able to configure which Categories, Definitions and Fields are presented via this Template.Article on Template Configuration coming soon.
Category View Filter EditorEnables users to create, update and delete Category View Filters.View Filters Overview
Definition View Filter EditorEnables users to create, update and delete Definition View Filters.View Filters Overview
Recommendations EditorEnables users to delete Recommendations. Note that Recommendations can only be created or updated by the original author of the Recommendation.-
Taxonomy EditorEnables users to access and use TeamFolio's taxonomy utilities for importing appropriately formatted SKOS based taxonomies into Microsoft SharePoint's Term Store.Article coming soon.
Endorsements EditorEnables users to delete Endorsements. Note that Endorsements can only be created or updated by the original author of the Endorsement.-
Application Preferences EditorEnables users to make changes to any and all Application Preferences settings.Application Preferences
Business Intelligence EditorAny user with this permission will see an additional tile on the TeamFolio landing page with a link to Microsoft's Power BI platform.-
Privacy EditorEnables users to manage the organisation's Privacy Statement(s), if required for use of TeamFolio in your organisation.Article coming soon.
Licensing EditorEnables users to manage the organisation's licences for TeamFolio.Article coming soon.
User Profile EditorProvides AD propArticle coming soon.

These group permissions are configured on the Manage Groups page. See this article for more information.


*Deleting a Category will also delete any Definitions contained in that Category. Whenever a Definition is deleted, all the Fields (skills, etc.) in that Definition will also be deleted.