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Application Preferences

There are various settings available to TeamFolio Administrators that allow certain features to be customised for your specific needs. The settings generally control how the application appears or behaves for all users across the organisation.

Permissions Required

To configure Application Preferences the logged-in user needs to be a member of an authorization group with Administrator privilege.

From the admin menu gear in the top right of the page, navigate to Preferences > Manage App.

Branding Options

TeamFolio provides simple customization capabilities within application preferences to allow branding of the TeamFolio instance to conform to branding guidelines.

Product Title

This setting may be used to change the default product name displayed on the landing page and navigation bar displayed throughout TeamFolio. It will also apply the change to the page title appearing in the title bar of your browser and bookmarks.

This setting may be used to change the default product logo displayed on the landing page and navigation bar displayed throughout TeamFolio.

The selection of available images will be made from any image already loaded to the TeamFolio Image Gallery.

Animation Loading Gif

This setting may be used to change the default loading animation shown during grid refresh operations.

The selection of available images will be made from any image already loaded to the TeamFolio Image Gallery.

The Banner Image setting may be used to change the default banner image used when viewing user profile and template pages. The Banner Image Alt Text may be used to change the default alt text associated with the banner image.

The selection of available images will be made from any image already loaded to the TeamFolio Image Gallery.

Default User Profile Photo

This setting may be used to change the default image used to represent a user where no user profile photo exists on their profile in the authentication source e.g. Active Directory. This photo is also used as a placeholder when displaying users until their active profile photo can be retrieved.

The selection of available images will be made from any image already loaded to the TeamFolio Image Gallery.

Default Template Profile Photo

This setting may be used to change the default image used to represent a template.

The selection of available images will be made from any image already loaded to the TeamFolio Image Gallery.


DiscoverMe currently offers basic capabilities to gather metrics to analyse usage.

Enable User Profile View Metrics

This setting may be used to enable/disable gathering of user profile view metrics in the TeamFolio database.

This setting is enabled by default. Information gathered includes:

  • User profile identifier of the profile which was viewed
  • User profile identifier of the viewer
  • Datestamp when the profile was viewed

User Experience

The following preferences impact the general user experience for all users of TeamFolio.

Recommendations Enabled

This setting may be used to enable/disable the ability for users of the system to provide recommendations for colleagues. This includes the ability to tag their recommendations with terms which are relevant to the recommendation being made.

Nexus Configuration Options

TeamFolio offers the following options to configure the user experience when using the TeamFolio Nexus pages.

Concept Browser Row Limit

This setting is a positive integer and specifies the number of items per resource type that should be displayed within a Nexus page. The items displayed will be ordered according to their ranking result from the search operation.

Currently supported resource types include, but are not limited to: Documents, Contacts, Issues, Tasks, Announcements, Images etc.

This limit is necessary for performance reasons and there exists a hard-limit of 500 items although performance at this level is likely to be sub-optimal.

Enable Site Collection Term Groups in Nexus

This setting determines whether SharePoint Site Collection Term Groups should be included in the Nexus navigation controls. If enabled, users will be able to navigate Site Collection Term Groups.

This setting is disabled by default.

Enable System Term Groups in Nexus

This setting determines whether SharePoint System Term Groups should be included in the Nexus navigation controls. If enabled, users will be able to navigate System Term Groups.

This setting is disabled by default.

Enable Filter Term Groups in Nexus

This setting allows hiding of specific term groups from the Nexus navigation controls. If enabled, all term groups configured in Filter Term Groups In Nexus will be masked in the Nexus navigation controls.

Filter Term Groups in Nexus

This setting is a semi-colon delimited list of term group GUIDs which should be obscured from Nexus navigation controls if ‘Enable Filter Term Groups In Nexus’ is true.

Admin Specific User Experience

TeamFolio offers the following capabilities to tailor Administrators' user experience. These settings generally relate to streamlining other administrative configuration activities by setting default values.

Administrators Manage User Fields Enabled

This setting may be used to enable/disable the ability for TeamFolio users who have Administrator authorisation to manage the biography fields of any user within the organisation.

Make Biography Field Definition Categories Visible By Default

This setting may be used to auto-configure the default setting ‘Make Visible By Default’ when creating new biography field definition categories.

Make Biography Field Definitions Visible By Default

This setting may be used to auto-configure the default setting ‘Make Visible By Default’ when creating new biography field definitions.

Make Biography Field Definition Start Date Enabled By Default

This setting may be used to auto-configure the default setting ‘Start Date Enabled’ when creating new biography field definitions.

Make Biography Field Definition End Date Enabled By Default

This setting may be used to auto-configure the default setting ‘End Date Enabled’ when creating new biography field definitions.

Make Biography Field Definition Endorsements Enabled By Default

This setting may be used to auto-configure the default setting ‘Endorsements Enabled’ when creating new biography field definitions.

Auto Add New Licences to 'Users' System Group

When set to true, any person accessing a secure resource will be added to the Users authorisation group if they are not already a member. This membership will allow them to access standard system features like Search, Nexus pages and Profiles.

Chat Protocol

This preference allows administrators to choose between 3 options:

  1. None
  2. Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)
  3. Microsoft Teams

Selecting option 1 disables the ability for users to start an instant message from within TeamFolio.

If options 2 or 3 are selected, the appropriate chat client that the user's machine uses will use the selected protocol to initiate the chat.

If enabled, this will allow users who are members of the Administrators authorisation group to add or delete links to Featured Documents on any person's profile.

If enabled, this will allow users who are members of the Users authorisation group to add or delete links to Featured Documents on their own profile.

Input Minimum Length

When a user starts typing in the search box, TeamFolio will use the characters that have been typed to present any existing skill in the drop down list. When another character is typed, this list is further refined. To do this, Teamfolio queries the data every time a character is typed after the Input Minimum Length value. This stops unnecessary queries happening for, say, just one character having been typed.

By default this value is set to 3.

Enable/Disable Viewing/Editing of Azure AD Attributes

Administrators can allow or disallow users to view (read) and/or edit a subset of Azure Active Directory (AAD) values related to their AAD account. Additionally, Administrators can view (read) and/or edit a subset of Azure Active Directory (AAD) values related to other users' AAD accounts.

This can be useful for people to update their own data that may change, reducing workload and delays by requiring busy IT admins to make a simple update. Depending on the organisation's policy, this could be a person's mobile/cell phone number or their 'About Me' brief biography stored in AAD.

The AAD attributes that can have editing enabled via TeamFolio include:

  • About ME
  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Display Name
  • Street Address
  • City
  • State
  • Country

To enable or disable any of these values, an administrator will use the Update Application Preferences set of toggle switches to change the values. These values appear as numbers in the Manage Application Preferences table. The numbers are used by TeamFolio to determine which attributes are visible and/or editable and who can edit which attributes.

Microsoft Graph Users API Page Limit

This setting allows administrators to change the pagination limit on the queries that are hitting the Microsoft Graph API on Microsoft Azure. In some circumstances, a Customer's service level on Microsoft Azure may mean that TReamFolio performs better if multiple, smaller queries are executed instead of one larger query. This is achieved by reducing the Page Limit value.

By default this value is set to 999.