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Featured Documents

Featured documents are presented as a new information panel on the right of the user profile page. Typical examples might include the user's CV or Resume, or documents which showcase other achievements like links to articles in published journals or professional body publications.

Subject to configuration, users and administrators can manage their own or others featured documents using a simple UI accessible directly within the user profile page.

If you have permissions to do so, you will see a '+' icon in the featured documents panel. Clicking this will open a modal window in the same browser tab, as follows:

Adding Featured Documents
  1. Click the '+' icon in the featured documents panel:

    TeamFolio focused screenshot - adding featured document 1

  2. Enter information for the document link:

    TeamFolio focused screenshot - adding featured document 1

  3. Note that the link needs to be an http:// or https:// link before you can click add:

    TeamFolio focused screenshot - adding featured document 1

  4. The modal window will remain open so you can add more featured documents, but the link you've just added will be visible immediately:

    ![TeamFolio focused screenshot - adding featured document 1](


Users can instantly view associated, relevant documentary content for any user by simply clicking the link directly from within the panel.

TeamFolio focused screenshot of featured documents

  1. If enabled, the featured documents panel is displayed on the lower right of the user profile page.
  2. When hovering over a document link, the description is displayed.
  3. Any user can click the document link, which will open a new browser tab.
  4. If the logged in user is viewing their own profile, or if they have permissions to edit other people's profiles, they will be able to add new featured document links via the '+' icon. :::

If you have permissions to add a featured document, you'll also be able to delete one by clicking the 'X' next to the link in the featured documents panel:

Delete a Featured Document

TeamFolio focused screenshot - deleting featured document

Be aware that the link is deleted immediately.