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Depending on how a definition is configured, fields stored in the definition can be entered either as free text, or by the user selecting items from a pick list. The data sources that present these pick lists to users can come from a number of different types of data repositories in your organisation.

It is usually desirable for the system of record for any particular organisational data, to provide this master data to other systems as a 'look up' data source.

Teamfolio enables this through the use of Connections and Data Sources.


A connection is a simple configuration that provides TeamFolio with credentials and a target system entry point for accessing limited data on said system.

Relationship to Data Sources

A data source is a simple configuration that points TeamFolio at a specific set of data using a previously configured system connection. For more detail on this, refer to the article on Data Sources.

Permissions Required

To configure Connections and Data Sources, the logged in user needs to be a member of the administrators authorisation group.

To configure Connections and Data Sources, from the admin menu gear icon in the top right of the web page, navigate to Connections> Manage Connections:


TeamFolio focused screenshot - manage definitions navigation menu

  1. Click the cog icon at the top right of the page to open the admin menu ...
  2. ... then select the Connections menu ...
  3. ... then select Manage Connections. :::

Managing Connections

The first part of the process is to create a connection to another system from where you wish to look up data. The following shows the Manage Connections admin page that has the familiar admin grid listing any existing connections:

TeamFolio focused screenshot - manage definitions navigation menu


Creating a New Data Connection

On clicking the Create New button, you are presented with the Create Connection page where you need to first select what type of external connection you are creating:

Create a Connection

TeamFolio screenshot - create a connection

Data Connection Types

Not including the default system connections (see below), TeamFolio currently supports the following custom connection types from the External Connection Type dropdown: Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL and Top Quadrant's Top Braid EDG. The example below illustrates a Microsoft SQL Server selection.

Connection Types

TeamFolio screenshot - select connection type

Once the connection type has been selected, you provide the relevant information for the connection type:

Current Connection Types Supported
  1. Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL, Oracle or PostgreSQL require only the desired connection name and the connection string. The example below illustrates Microsoft SQL Server:

    TeamFolio screenshot - select connection type

  2. TopBraid EDG requires the desired connection name, connection url, username and password. These will be readily available from your Top Quadrant System Administrator.

    TeamFolio screenshot - select connection type

Note that the information required will vary depending on the connection type selected.

Default System Connections

There are currently two default system connections created in a TeamFolio deployment:

  1. The connection to the system database, where TeamFolio profile information and system configuration data is stored;

  2. A connection to the Microsoft SharePoint environment and its service applications that are associated with the instance of TeamFolio.

As you will see, neither of these system table configurations can be edited or deleted:

System Connections

TeamFolio screenshot - system connections

  1. Is System Connection flag is set to true;

  2. The Update and Delete buttons are disabled.

Updating Existing Connections

Select the existing connection to update and click Update:

Update Connection
  1. Select the connection to update:

    TeamFolio screenshot - update connection

  2. View/update settings as required and then click Update (or Cancel). In this example, we can see and edit the existing configuration for a connection to a TopBraid EDG ontology/taxonomy management system. As with any configuration record, system information regarding creation and previous updates is displayed:

    TeamFolio screenshot - update TopBraid EDG connection

Deleting Existing Connections

Select the existing connect to delete and click Delete:

Delete Connection
  1. Select the connection to delete. In this example the 'Asset Inventory' connection has been selected and the Delete button has been clicked. A confirmation window is displayed to make sure this action is intended:

    TeamFolio screenshot - update connection

  2. If the deletion is carried out successfully, the user is information with a temporary Saved notification:

    TeamFolio screenshot - update TopBraid EDG connection


Note that when a connection is deleted, any data sources that are using this connection are also deleted.