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Configuring Categories

Categories are used to group similar sets of skills together. Categories are a top level grouping that contain one or more skill Definitions. This supports a clean, intuitive user interface and provides a way to present different skill sets to different groups of users.

Permissions Required

To configure Categories, the logged in user needs to be a member of an authorisation group that has the Category Editor privilege.

To configure Categories, from the admin menu gear icon in the top right of the web page, navigate to Categories>Manage:


TeamFolio focused screenshot - manage categories menu

  1. Click the cog icon at the top right of the page to open the admin menu ...
  2. ... then select the Categories menu ...
  3. ... then select the Manage menu option.

Manage Categories Page

This is a typical TeamFolio admin page that shows a list of all Categories in a table or admin grid view.

Admin grid view

As with any admin grid in TeamFolio, you can select one or more of the rows in the grid, change how the data is displayed and work with the Categories using action buttons.

Manage Categories

TeamFolio focused screenshot - manage categories page

There are four actions you can take from this page by clicking the relevant button, sometimes after having selected one or more of the Categories in the list

For more information on using admin grids, have a look at the Data grid view section in the General UI Guidance article.


You can work with category information and configurations using the following action buttons.

Export to Excel

You can export all rows that are visible in the grid by clicking the Export to Excel button. If you’ve changed what’s visible by filtering, sorting and/or grouping the records, this changed view will be preserved in the resulting Excel file.

A modal (pop-up) window will let you know that large data files may take some time to complete. Then when the file is generated, the web browser will prompt you to discard or save the file to your device.

Create New

Clicking Create New will take you to a form where you can enter a name for the new category and choose if you want this new category to be visible to everyone.

Setting ‘Make Visible by Default’ to true will create a Category View Filter for this category with filter parameters that mean the category will be visible to everyone. This View Filter can be modified at any time – see Note that even if you select ‘Make Visible by Default’, a new category will not become visible until it also contains at least one Definition that is also visible.


Clicking Update will take you to a form where you can update the name for the new category.



If you confirm the deletion process, all configuration settings and more importantly, ALL profile data stored against ALL Definitions in this Category will be permanently deleted.

You can select one or more of the Categories in the list and then use any of the enabled buttons to execute that action on the selected Category.