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Create App Service Instance

This article provides an overview of the steps an administrator would take to create an Azure App Service instance for TeamFolio Synapse on a Microsoft 365 Tenant using Azure Active Directory.

Create App Service Instance

Using the Azure App Services panel:

  • Create App Service Instance
    • Project Details
    • Subscription: Select the required subscription for the app service instance. Further information is available via the Microsoft Azure Control Panel here.
    • Resource Group: Select the required resource group for the app service instance. Further information is available via the Microsoft Azure Control Panel here.
    • Instance Details
    • Name: Select a meaningful name for your organisation e.g. ‘teamfolio-synapse'
    • Publish: Select 'Code'
    • Runtime Stack: Select '.NET 6 (LTS)'
    • Operating System: Select 'Windows'
    • Region: Select an appropriate region for your organisation. e.g. Western Europe
    • Pricing Plans
    • Windows Plan: Select an appropriate windows plan for your organisation.
    • Pricing Plan: Select an appropriate pricing plan for your organisation.

NB: Please note the following details for reference in your configuration documentation:

  • Name This value is the url endpoint for your deployed instance of TeamFolio Synapse.


  • Add Application Settings
    • AzureAd
      • Instance
      • Domain
      • Tenant Id
        • Name: Enter 'AzureAd:TenantId'
        • Value: Enter the Tenant Id for your organisation
      • Client Id
        • Name: Enter 'AzureAd:ClientId'
        • Value: Enter the previously noted Application Client Id for your TeamFolio Synapse Application Registration
      • Client Secret
        • Name: Enter 'AzureAd:ClientSecret'
        • Value: Enter the previously noted Application Client Secret for your TeamFolio Synapse Application Registration
    • Allowed Hosts
      • Name: Enter 'AllowedHosts'
      • Value: Enter '*'
    • CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing)
      • With Origins
        • Name: Enter 'Cors:WithOrigins'
        • Value: Enter '['*']'
    • Connection Strings
      • Db Context
        • Name: Enter 'ConnectionStrings:DbContext'
        • Value: Enter the connection string for your TeamFolio App Service Instance Database