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Create App Registration

This article provides an overview of the steps an administrator would take to create an Application Registration for TeamFolio Synapse on a Microsoft 365 Tenant using Azure Active Directory.

Create App Registration

Using the Azure Active Directory App Registration panel:

  • Create App Registration
    • Name: Choose a meaningful name for your organization e.g. ‘TeamFolio Synapse Integration Platform'
    • Supported Account Types: Select 'Accounts in this organizational directory only (Single tenant)'
    • Redirect Uri: Leave blank

NB: Please note the following details for reference in your configuration documentation:

  • Client Id
  • Tenant Id

Certificates and Secrets

  • Create Client Secret
    • Description: Select a meaningful description for your organisation.
    • Expires: Select an appropriate expiry for your organisation.

NB: Please note the following details for reference in your configuration documentation:

  • Client Secret This value is only available on creation and cannot be recovered.

API Permissions

  • Add Delegated Permissions

    • User.Read.All
  • Add Application Permissions

    • User.Read.All

NB: TeamFolio Synapse requires delegated and application permissions which require Administrator approval. Please use 'Grant Admin Consent' to provide Admin Consent on behalf of all authenticating clients.

NB: Please note the following details for reference in your configuration documentation:

  • Tenant Id
  • Application Client Id
  • Application Client Secret

Expose an API

  • Set Application Id Uri
  • Add Scopes
    • Basic
      • Scope Name: Basic
      • Who Can Consent: Admins Only
      • Admin Consent Display Name: Basic Scope
      • Admin Consent Description: Basic Scope
      • User Consent Display Name: Leave blank
      • User Consent Description: Leave blank

App Roles

  • Create App Roles

    • LMS Learning Record Provider

      • Display Name: LMS Learning Record Provider
      • Allowed Member Types: Applications
      • Value: LMS.LearningRecordProvider
      • Description: A Client that sends data to Learning Record Store(s) using a custom or proprietary data contract. Often, the Learning Record Provider will create Learning Records while monitoring a learner as a part of a Learning Experience.
      • Do You Want To Enable This App Role: Enabled
    • XAPI Learning Record Provider

      • Display Name: XAPI Learning Record Provider
      • Allowed Member Types: Applications
      • Value: xAPI.LearningRecordProvider
      • Description: An xAPI Client that sends data to Learning Record Store(s). Often, the Learning Record Provider will create Learning Records while monitoring a learner as a part of a Learning Experience.
      • Do You Want To Enable This App Role: Enabled